Each of the 150+ dioramas has been crafted by the masters of the Japanese “Tokusatsu” or special effects industry. Creating Fantasian’s real-life miniature sets are veterans who have worked on projects like the Godzilla films, Attack on Titan, and Ultraman. Fantasian serves as a vehicle to bring these amazing works of art into the digital space via Apple Arcade.
Fantasian brings several quality of life improvements to the classic JRPG genre, such as the “Dimengeon Battle” mechanic, which allows players to send previously encountered enemies into a separate dimensional dungeon to streamline combat and maximize uninterrupted exploration of the beautiful locations.
March 2, 2021
Los Angeles Times
April 2, 2021

Genre: RPG
Territories: 150+ countries (English / Japanese)
Platform: Apple Arcade
Hardware:iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Apple TV, Mac
Controls / Input: Keyboard + Mouse (Trackpad) / Game Controllers
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